LCLAA Los Angeles Scholarship Fund


LCLAA Los Angeles is proud to announce our scholarship fund

General Information: The Scholarship competition is open to children and grandchildren of  LCLAA- Los Angeles Chapter active members. One Scholarship, each with a value of $500 if attending Community College, Trade School or Apprenticeship Program. For those attending a four year University $1,000 will be granted. Scholarship is to be made available for use in the freshman year at any accredited college or university in the United States. Or a Trade School or Apprenticeship Program in California. 

Who is Eligible: All candidates must be high school graduates of the 2022 graduating class, and must be either a current LCLAA Member, sons, daughters or grandchild of active members, or legal ward of active members of the LCLAA - Los Angeles Chapter no less than three months.  The LCLAA - Los Angeles Somos Familia Scholarships are unrestricted as to sex, race, religion, political affiliation and intended course of study.

Requirements: Please submit all requirements by June 30, 2022 via email to:  It is the responsibility of each applicant to verify that all required documents were received on time.

Application must be complete and the following items must be included:

1) Letter from a College, University, Technical School or Apprenticeship Program confirming your acceptance (for graduating class of 2020 proof of current enrollment for the fall of 2021) 

2) A 2 X 2 picture of yourself

3) One paragraph, 300 words explaining in your own words. What does the Union mean to you and how has it changed your life.  Or a paragraph, 300 words or more on a great Latino Leader. 

4) Applicants must complete 30 hours of community volunteer work with any Labor Organization.  Hours will be doubled when volunteered in LCLAA events.

Selection Process: Scholarship Committee will review applications and make their selections for the scholarship awards based on academic achievements, leadership and community involvement.  Finalists will be required to be interviewed by the committee.

Scholarship winners will be notified by the LCLAA - Los Angeles Somos Familia Scholarship Committee at the end of August. The checks will be deposited in the winning students’ names at the College, University, Technical School or Apprenticeship Program they plan to attend.

You may download a copy of the scholarship application form here: Scholarship form